What about this photo does not say visiting artist, up to and including his name tag? This is Naoto Nakada whose work is being exhibited at Northern Clay Center on Franklin. Boy, the Japanese have a lockdown on adorable, don't they? But then they like to throw in a really dark side to make you think or recoil in horror a little bit -- like a cute cartoon puppy that eviscerates cute cartoon children and then wags its tail and licks its bloody button nose. Well anyway, Naoto sure is cute. I think i startled him by rushing up and saying i loved loved his tabi socks and pink shorts and his blue workman's jacket that is exactly like the one that NY Times style photographer/legend Bill Cunningham wears, and about 2500 words into it, his handler indicated there might be a bit of a language barrier so she said real loud and slow, SHE WANTS TO TAKE YOUR PICTURE. He was down wit it.
He may or may not think this photo will appear in Italian Vogue.
I thought that was his lunch box there on the front bumper for keeping some decent snacks handy because he'd heard about american food, but turns out it's a man bag. he outed with his card and we did an exchange. now he's thinking, shit americans got a lockdown on wrong, don't they? here's his website: naotonakada.jimdo.com. i don't know who jimdo is but i like it -- kinda chill and sassy. hey jimdo you natural gangsta, 'sup? like that.