Wednesday, February 22, 2012

This is not Rooney Mara

Duh, it's Mandi M. Mead, wardrobe stylist, design and image consultant. And real nice person. I had just been ignored left the Thompson Hotel in Soho without benefit of their $18 dribble of house red when I spotted Mandi -- happy minute! I admired the fact she was navigating all those damn cobblestones in the Manhattan version of Sorels, and thanks to some really tireless PR, even I know what Rooney Mara looks like.... ehhh?
Ah celebs, who needs em right? Not when there's so much to love right here. Mandi's faux hawk, the 27-pound bugle beaded by hand jacket of penultimate glam that was once worn by Estelle of South Beach, FL to a gala concert with Tony Bennett but came to be Mandi's for $10. Ten scheckels. 
One of the many things I like about this photo is that it looks like Mandi has a little person stuffed in her coat pocket with one leg sticking out. That is called creative composition. In Soho.

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