Friday, February 24, 2012

Coupla great things

Being force-fed fashion in Lincoln Center, the exhausting cries for attention, and hating seeing bloggers with real cameras was fun and diverting for a while but eventually I hungered for a calzone a bit more challenge to the sport, so next day I headed out to wonderfully atmospheric Chelsea or Meatpacking, or Meatsea, as I'm fond of saying (NYers are surprisingly slow to adopt this hybrid although I used it emphatically about 27 times in one conversation like this, "I just love Meatsea. Meatsea is so atmospheric and dirty. And hip. God, Meatsea is hip. There's a lot of gum on the sidewalk and loading docks in Meatsea, and I just saw The Sartorialist taking pictures right here in Meatsea, so you know Meatsea is where it's at. Meatsea -- so hot right now.")
Milk Studios, site of a number of off-Lincoln Center shows, is on the street you see behind my favorite couple above. In Meatsea. So the street styling was laughably easy. There was, though, a wind blowing directly off the Mongolian steppes and I was trying to deal with gloves, cards, camera, a beret that kept dropping over my eyes and mucus membranes that were on full flow as I lurched in front of these very appalled generous people. I'm going to spew out brief descriptions of things I love and you look for them, OK? Green specs! 5 o'clock shadow at noon (his)! his n hers scarves of love! cowboy coat! 'nother kind of animal girl coat! we've been playing doctor bags! skinny legs (4)! his shoes! her effin unbelievable persian carpet boots in size attractively small!!!!
As I was trying to snuff up some snot and find one of my valuable business cards, I realized I'd lost the 7-day unlimited ride Metrocard I'd bought 1 day ago. Since my budget allows for either Metrocard or food but not both, I was bummed. They may have thought I was actually crying so they suggested the subway station attendant would undoubtedly give me a new card. Well that was not true but their concern gave me a warm feeling all over and renewed faith in sharp-dressed people. Buoyed, I retraced my steps and found my Metrocard on the sidewalk. Stuck to a piece of gum. In Meatsea.

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