Monday, June 3, 2013

Ten-year hair

 I have been reading this post over and realize it makes no sense whatsoever, so naturally, I left it alone.
I don't want my adoring readers to get the impression I'm A) drunk and B) in the early stages of dementia. Not that these are not truths -- I just don't want to give that impression. So let me clarify. The woman above is a server at Sea Salt.  She has been growing her halo of hair for ten years!  It reminded me of 1960's radical Angela Davis' black-is-beautiful fro.  Then I found the photo below of Davis + fro + pipe.  = love.  Then I discovered via Wikipedia that Davis was a Che-Lumumba Communist.  Those are the ones that wear berets and are generally a bit more stylish in a reductionist t-shirt sort of way than the Mao Communists who wear shapeless black pajamas, or the Lenin Communists who favored babushkas. So now this post makes sense, right?

Who wore it better?  Much as I like my fish po'boy served up with a side of militance and a pipe, the woman above has been growing her hair longer than Angela's hard time -- ten years!  Plus Angela, a Che-Lumumba Communist, was not so much about the sort of delicious capitolism that Sea Salt represents. Big hair belongs to the some people!

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