Friday, April 20, 2012

so you think you're crafty, do you?

So, last night while you were watching America's Got Hunger Idols, did you turn out something like this with your hot glue gun?  Not unless you had a chunk of jade and some rhinestones from the 1930s sitting around.  No my friends, simple as this bauble may appear, this kind of stuff is best left to a PhD in Decorative Arts, Design History and Material Culture. Or Stephanie Lake, which is also kinda catchy. When her name comes up, people say Stephanie's work "combines elements of Hollywood Regency mid-century, 70s-era Fleetwood Mac, and glam rock." These are the common folk -- they steer clear of highbrow references to GlueZall 'n shit. As you can see, I'm all over Stephanie and her understated jewels like a bad rash, and I'm hoping, by posting lots of great big bulbous Jefferson Airplane-style hallucinogenic-with-peyote-overtone photos, you'll catch Stephanie fever too and tear on down to RiverCentre in St. Paul today, Saturday or Sunday because Stephanie will be there with her goods. News flash! Stephanie is still a rock star, she is still a Stylemaker, she will not be at the Craft Council show at RiverCentre. Stephanie received special recognition from the Council as a Stylemaker. Which as I understand it, is someone who makes style.  Keep scrolling if you want your eyeballs to pop out of their sockets and dangle on your cheeks from a slimy thread of viscera...

The one above has a jumbo pearl and gem star and a vintage bee, but you can also use it to dust off hard candy that's been sitting there for who knows how long before you eat it.

That's a coupla druzys, right?  Gosh you're an embarrassment -- a druse, or druzy, pronounced shine-y thing, is a coating of fine crystals on a rock fracture surface, vein or within a geode. These are earrings. Or numchucks.

Got Raffia, Silk Tassels, Vintage Russian Emblem, Gilded Links and Cabochons? Goodness, I always detested that advertising slogan because of the poor grammar, and am filled with self-loathing for promulgating it. But I likee this purse. Wish it was big enough to hold my eye bag ointment. Action item Steph? You're welcome.

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