Her mom said she needed a blazer for college so she did it right red Rag and Bone. Right on mom. 80s faded black jeans skirt, cool shiny boots and a vintage Coach bucket bag (she could fit a puppy in there, i wonder if she knows that). I blame myself the wind for the blink. That's it, the freakin straight from the North Pole that shows no sign of warming wind. Damn that wind.
A pattern is emerging with tights. Get it? Pattern? Tights? It's a fashion pun. I crack myself up. OK scroll down and count how many patterned tights I've stalked captured recently. The answer is, a lot. Hers are Cynthia Rowland but they were discounted so doesn't count as bragging. Jacket is Obey which i like to look at on 80s Purple but not buy because it usually costs more than $2.49. Also the stuff is new and doesn't have pit stains or bodily fluids that aren't my own, which is another requirement for my stinkyawesome wardrobe.
Oh how fucking timely. Product placement! It really is insidious and ubiquitous. I'm talking about my card in her other hand. Shameless self promotion. The knucklebusting ring? That's from Asos and it's comfortable as long as she doesn't have to make a fist.