Tuesday, August 28, 2012

an item that used to belong to Elton John

If you were going to pick something that's being worn above that used to be Elton John's, duh, you'd pick the guy, right?  Guess what, you'd be dead wrong. Ok ok ok, the hair.  Wrong again.  I will not allow this one-sided fun to continue -- it's the belt!  I know, you're like, no effin way.  Way. Let's get a better look at that famous loin girder...
I don't know about you, but I'm a little uncomfortable zooming in on someone's hernia scar. Oh shit, that's the shirt.  But anyway... Does this make you want to sing Tiny Dancer?  Don't let the sun gooooo down oooon (make your voice go up and down, up and down, up and down) me.  Of course, I had the poor taste to ask how much he paid for this bit of waist material but obviously I was missing the point. It's not about money, sheesh.  This was perhaps an accessory to the writing of Bennie and the Jets.  This belt may have kept up Sir Elton's pants while he waggled his ass around on top of a piano bench. Or held them up at waist level so the world could appreciate his candle in the wind platform shoes.  It's about pop culture my friends.  Goodbye Yellow Brick Road, hello Hennepin Ave.

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