Saturday, January 25, 2014

pollar vortexes

Amazing.  This guy bikes year round.  And he's still got most of his bits.  Including the far northern extremity which is reducing heat loss from his frontal cortex by 53%.  No worries Mom --  he's wearing his helmet.  He simply catches the cornice by surprise before it has a chance to object.  He says it pops out, high and mighty, given enough Murray's Pomade. Which is reapplied every other day or so. He created the hair gradient himself with a beard trimmer.  Now here's the dumb part -- I was so verklempt to be talking to one of those year round bikers and trying not to notice if parts had turned black and fallen off, and simultaneously the teeniest bit embarrassed to bust out my Hello Kitty camera at a photography exhibit thick with people who have more than one big red button on their camera, that I forgot to ask him why.  Why the gravity-defying prow?  For now, we will have to go with the obvious -- tiara prevention. 

I got to thinking about pollar vortexes and forthwith curated a show of this pompular formation...
Banged up
Love me fender
Prep profile
I'm not even confident where that came from
Moby Dick
Inspiration Point

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