Saturday, December 6, 2008

So I'm having a spot of hair-pulling trouble with our camera so I could not post the bag-to-bitching redesign I'm affecting on this glen plaid linen dress. The transformation is complete. I have asked Santa for a functional camera that I won't want to throw down hard and beat with a shovel. My next thought was to scan some photos from the May 08 Interview magazine which I have kept all this while because I love these photos so much. Fierce. There I've used that word once and will not do so again. Anyway, as technology would have it, the scanner merely saved many copies of the same photo instead of the many pages of lovely shots I wanted to save. And this blog post will not delete photos, despite offering that option. So here are photos that I love love love love love love. Love. I am digging the very high white collar added to an otherwise girly dress. It's been showing up quite a bit lately. Apparently the technology gods are not with me today so I will quit while I'm a head. Get it? A head?

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