Thursday, May 15, 2014

how to wear a Trader Joe's shopping cart

I can pretty much pinpoint when this photo was taken:  After my opening excuse -- that I have a street style blog -- and after she replied, "No way!"  but before I realized her response might have been real honest-to-effin-gosh disbelief that someone sporting a snot spangled down jacket, running tights/gray body paint that end awkwardly midst knee and cankle and a Division III Cross Country hat for the sole purpose of covering up a forehead pimple could utter the words street style blog without being smote for blasphemy.
Be that as it may....
I think you can tell that dairy red is the overarching theme here.  And I was naming all the red things, as if this was a surprise to her (damn why didn't someone tell me I have poppin lipstick on) when suddenly I spied the lavender fingernails which caused smoke to billow from my ears hat. See so much more of that (fingernails) below.  I may have referred to the rolled jeans/white pumps combo as Rockabilly.  Give me a solid, people... was I right?  Let me rephrase -- was that the correct style category? 
I discovered she is the an editor of Minnesota Bride... No, no, of course I did NOT try to interest her right then and there in my own upcoming involvement in the military-nuptial complex. My gosh, how brilliant unprofessional.  I am not even trying to suck up by saying she could be a hand model.

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