Thursday, July 14, 2011

Cool shoes

i went for the low hanging fruit (ha, grocery store pun, i'm on fire) which is her shoes -- pleated, peeped, wedged, semi-bootie and 110% great. nordstom's.  but upon closer inspection of the photo, a subtler stupendous pattern emerged. check it -- flower necklace, graphic flower bag and same black flower on skirt. could any stylist-free person have gotten up in the morning and planned this out, perhaps even before a quart of coffee? impossible my friends. she must have had the coffee first. something about the delightfully quirky printed skirt and black lace at the hem looks french. thus better.


Anonymous said...

i see her all the time and she is always sooooooo put together!

Anonymous said...

She's my fashion hero! Even her faded jeans and tee-shirts are uber-groovy!

elizabeth said...

I see this chick everywhere! I even tell my hair stylist: I want hair like hers........ How can I achieve this grooviosity?

Jen said...

Indeed. I cannot even coordinate my outfits after a gallon of coffee. She's very chic!