Saturday, June 11, 2011


That title looks like I'm very very excited about something that was wet and now isn't! But that would be ridiculous. No no no, what I'm very excited about are these Dries (it rhymes, see?). Van Notens. Just scored them at the Goodwill on University, so if you recognize these as something you just donated -- thanks! Why the hell did you do that? The ankle strap, the modern/architectural/industrial kitten heel, the shiny shiny black patent, and they're only the teeniest bit uncomfortable. Did you twist you ankle because of the very tiny heel base and then determine to get rid of these death traps? Because i can see that happening real easy.  Oh i can see but no one else can. Ha. Ha. OK, here they are, dried and beautiful...
I am the happiest dumpster diver in the world. I know whatever sucker the kind person who donated these is probably a bit disappointed because they'd hoped these bad boys would be helping the dudes at the top of the exit ramp at 94 and Riverside get a job, maybe at one of our fine ad agencies in town. And frankly, the shoes would have done the trick. If Olson + Co for example witnessed a Native American man sashaying through the door in these, they would be so hired. Guar-n-teed.  But no. They've gone to someone who goes nowhere and will undoubtedly be fouled by inappropriateness, e.g. worn with Miley Cyrus liquid leggings. Ummm, ya know, i really like those triple-strap Mui Muis from a couple seasons ago, so...

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