Saturday, August 7, 2010


From about a block away, I called this guy's suit -- Etro from London. Actually this whole party is about as chic as it got. The woman on the left made cargo pants absolutely urbane with some beautiful jeweled stiletto sandals that you'll have to take my word on, as I handily cut them off. Sorry. The woman on the right is playing the ruffled blouse/shorts dichotomy expertly. Which reminds me -- shorts, mostly tiny shorts, walked tall at Glamorama. Saw 'em left and right. I'm a huge fan.

On the left, we have the Office Max dress -- it's not just for ink cartridges any more! Office Max partially sponsored Glamorama, so local designer Joynoelle taught Project Runway a lesson by painstakingly, skillfully, mitering rubberbands (the green stripes) and some kind of black ribbony office product (tape?). I would never have thought of cutting rubberbands on the bias. Belt, rosette and neckline frill are all paperclips. The woman on the right is not wearing any office products that I know of, but looks pretty in pleats nonetheless.

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